September 25, 2018

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The Chemistry of Calm
Do y'all get anxious? I get anxious. It's not fun to say the least. I know there's levels to it, no one's anxiety is like another's, but, I wanna let y'all in on this book that I've been reading. It's called The Chemistry of Calm by Dr. Henry Emmons. I've learned a lot from it. Like what vitamins are helpful for stress and anxiety (rhoidola & B12). What foods are best for your brain and the benefits of eating a wider variety. The science behind mindfulness.

There's no right way to deal with anxiety (though there are wrong ways), and I'm definitely no expert. But, Dr. Henry Emmons is. And this book has provided deeper understanding of  anxiety and a handful of takeaways that I'm including in my daily routine. 

Interested? It's obviously available on Amazon, but give your local bookstore a call and see if you can snag a copy there first. 

Take care of yourselves today. And sit still for a little bit outside and count all the colors you see. 
Continuing with the celebration of fall vegetables, this week I've chosen to highlight an often overlooked leafy green – cabbage. Before you write it off, give it a shot. This recipe is full of flavor and a great way to start any meal this autumn. Check out The Drifters Wife's Napa cabbage with Parmesan and pistachios. It's light and crunchy and showcases some cool flavor profiles. 
Art I Like 
Tishk Barzanji is a visual artist from Kurdistan, now based in London. His work is colorful, serene and surreal, and explores the experience of anxiety and isolation. Check out his IG and website for more. This short interview with It's Nice That is a dope read as well. 
A Song I Like

"Anywhere" by RALPH TV is dreamy. A funky little bass line to pull together a soft melody. Give it a spin when you're slowing down for the day. 
What do you call a wolf that meditates? Aware wolf.
Did you know that going to see live music can make you feel better? A recent study conducted in London showed that a 20-minute live music set “can lead to a 21 percent increase in [a] feeling of well-being.” Read more here, because it's interesting. And then go snag tickets to a show. There's so many dope artists on tour this fall. Like, The Internet, Kali Uchis & Cuco, Kamasi Washington & Butcher Brown, and Aminé.
Another Song I Like

I just discovered Aaron Taylor and I can't get enough of his music. While I'm sharing "If I Had to Write a Song About You," please don't limit yourself to this track. Go explore more. His discography is eclectic though all tracks are rooted in R&B and funk. I also really enjoy "Easy." In fact, it's the first song I listened to today. 
From a Friend
I have a hard time making decisions. I either weigh the options until my brain turns to mush or blindly choose. Either route can be exhausting. So, I'll always take advice on how to get better at it. Knowing this, a friend sent along a NYT opinion piece on an emerging science to help with decision making. Do you have any tactics for making decisions? Send 'em my way. 
One Last Thing
Finally got around to making a More Water playlist. Check for 'em on Apple Music & Spotify. Go follow or download or subscribe, whatever it is, and enjoy! 
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Jennifer Universe