October 2, 2018

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Maurice Sendak
Maurice Sendak was an author and illustrator of many books, most notably (and he'd be mad I'm prefacing with this) Where The Wild Things Are

Spike Jonze, who brought Where The Wild Things Are to life in 2009, did a documentary on Sendak that same year. It's one of my favorites because it's raw and real. Through a series of visits and interviews, Jonze captures Sendak's wit, struggles, bitterness and artistry. His wholeness. 

The title of the documentary, "Tell Them Anything You Want," comes from a conversation on the idea of children's books. 

"I said anything I wanted because I don't believe in children I don't believe in childhood. I don't believe that there's a demarcation. 'Oh you mustn't tell them that. You mustn't tell them that.' You tell them anything you want. Just tell them if it's true.”

I like that a lot. You see, somewhere along the way we learn to repress our childlike wonder. Our curiosity. Our magic. We're taught to fit inside a box, instead of thinking outside of it. And that's a huge bummer. 

Sendak was honest and creative. He was happy and sad. And he did his best to hold onto his playfulness and share it with the world through something he did well: storytelling. 

I highly recommend checking out the documentary. It's on Amazon and Hulu. And remember to have fun today. And do something for you, that fills you up and makes you feel proud and good. 

We're in the heart of fig season. The sweet treat is best enjoyed August - October. And the later in the season the more sweet and syrupy your fresh figs will be. Check out this recipe for toast with figs and Neufchâtel (a creamy cheese similar to mascarpone or ricotta). It's great for breakfast, lunch or dinner. 
Art I Like 
Alex Brewer aka HENSE is an abstract visual artist. His works are bright and colorful and extremely pleasing to look at. Check out his website for his full portfolio.  

A Song I Like

I logged into my SoundCloud for the first time in a long time and I'm happy I did because I rediscovered this track from Emotional Oranges. "Motion" hits at an intersection of pop and funk and soul, and it's really hard to sit still while you listen to it. Spin it while you're making breakfast to start your day off super right. 
What do you call it when you walk into a coffee shop you’re sure you’ve been to before? Déjà brew.
Monarch butterflies are soon to be arriving in central Mexico for the winter. Hundreds of millions of the pretty little creatures traveled thousands of miles, a journey which begins in the springtime, to get to the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve.

I've always been fascinated by caterpillars and butterflies. Does a butterfly remember life as a caterpillar? What goes down in that cocoon? I needed answers. And this is a really cool and interesting read explaining the DNA and life cycles of the metamorphosing insect.  
Another Song I Like

Gifted Gab and Mario Sweet got together for this very nice track, "Piece of My Love." And when I say got together, I mean they sampled my favorite D'Angelo track, "One Mo'gin," so I obviously I'm a fan. 
From a Friend
My friend Lindsay put me onto Gavin Turek last year and I am very happy she did. I was recently scrolling through Turek's discography and came across this super dope album, You're Invited, in which she teamed up with Tokimonsta on in 2015. My favorite track is "Once Was Love." Give it a spin.

Also, if you don't know Tokimonsta and her incredible story, read up on it. (She lost her ability to talk, walk and make music after brain surgery. This article explains how she got it all back.)
One Last Thing
Check out Saba's Tiny Desk performance for NPR. It dropped yesterday and is absolutely delightful. Plus is dad is there singing with him and I think that's super special and cool.
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