July 24, 2018

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Food & Words

I was always intimidated by Los Angeles growing up. As a girl from the Midwest, I knew LA as Hollywood and nothing else. Beautiful, rich, talented people. I didn’t understand the vastness, the diversity, the depth of Los Angeles. Jonathan Gold helped change that for me. Food and good writing has a way of doing that, and Gold combined the two, (two of my favorite things, mind you), to create a more whole picture of a city I’ve grown to love. Gold’s drive to highlight all parts of Los Angeles through poetic profiles added, for me, the human piece that Los Angeles had been missing.

Gold passed away July 21 from pancreatic cancer. His presence in the culinary community and his voice that echoed across the world will be greatly missed. Check out Danny Chau’s piece on Gold for The Ringer. It’s good.

Also, The Los Angeles Times lifted the paywall on Gold's work and I highly recommend you go indulge in it

A reminder that we're in the sunset of summer and you probably haven't used your grill enough. Go grill a pizza. Here's some tips

Art I Like 
Richard Renaldi is a New York-based photographer. In one of his projects, Renaldi positioned complete strangers in intimate poses for portraits. I think we often undervalue the importance and impact of touch. And I think it's really cool what Renaldi was able to do with this project. Short vid below, and if you're diggin' it, check out more of his work on his site
A Song I Like

Jakob Ogawa's "Sunshine Girl" is delightful. A dreamy melody floats beneath Ogawa's unique vocals and it all just waves together to make you sway. The song is best when listened to in the sun, and even better by a body of water. 
Why is an island like the letter T? They're both in the middle of water!
Staring at a screen all day is bad for you. So bad they actually named it: computer vision syndrome or digital eye strain. It can lead to headaches, sore neck and decreased ability to concentrate. No bueno. Learn more about the signs and symptoms here and consider these tips for creating a more healthy routine around screens in this digital era. (But seriously, step away for a second. Go outside and stretch and look at nature.)
Another Song I Like

An old jam, but a good jam. "Herside Story" from Hare Squead is nostalgic cut for me. I like to spin it for a mid-day pick-me-up. 
From a Friend
Meditation can be scary. It can be difficult and takes commitment. I know I've written about this before, but I truly believe I am my best self when when I make time to meditate. I'm very thankful my mom raised me to value solitude and reflection. She also put me onto Deepak Chopra & Oprah's 21-day meditation sessions. The duo started a new series yesterday on the Energy of Attraction. It's free and I highly recommend participating. 
One Last Thing
Hive Mind from The Internet was (is) definitely my favorite drop from last week. It's a front to back album. Every track is good. Great, even. One of my favorite things about The Internet is who they tap into for collaborations and inspirations. Both Nick Green and Moonchild are contributors to Hive Mind. And both should be on your radar. 
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