July 10, 2018

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I remember the first time I listened to The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill. I loved it. At the time, I didn't know it would become a staple of my young adult life. Seriously, if I had to put together a soundtrack for my senior year of high school, it'd be that album with a handful of cuts by Sean Paul, Lupe Fiasco and Clipse. Oh, and "It's Magic" by Dipset, too. Songs like "To Zion" and "Superstar" are tied to some of my most favorite memories. "Nothing Even Matters" is an actual perfect song. 

The Miseducation had a song for every mood. The beauty of the album is not that every song is good, it's that you can listen to it front to back, the whole way through, and not even think about skipping a track. The wholeness of that tracklist is unmatched.

Where the bummer comes in is knowing how much pain and sorrow The Miseducation would eventually cause its creator. Lauryn speaks briefly on it in "Interlude 5" on her 2002 Unplugged album. In the interlude she also discusses identity, reality, societal pressures and growth.

This track helps me reflect and reset. It inspires me to keep cultivating and creating, and most importantly to accept and love my whole self. 
"And you know what, anything that’s not growin' is dead, so we better be changing."
As far as summer vegetables go, corn is one of my favorites. But I always seem to default to throwing it on the grill. In fact, I didn't really know there was anything else you could do with it. So, I looked around the ol' internet for a new recipe this past weekend and stumbled on this absolute gem of a dish. Checks all the boxes - simple, fresh and easy to make. 

Art I Like 
Kareem Waris is an 11-year-old from Nigeria and one of the best artists I've ever seen. His hyperrealism portraits are jaw-dropping. Scroll through his IG to peep more of his work. 

A Song I Like

Eliza's "Wasn't Looking" is a sultry and groovy jam matching the mood of this midsummer heatwave. I've been spinning it a lot once the sun goes down while I'm chopping vegetables and doing dishes. 
Where do shellfish go to sell their things? A prawn shop 🦐
Have you heard of benign masochism? It's a term coined by the University of Pennsylvania, and it "refers to enjoying initially negative experiences that the body (brain) falsely interprets as threatening. This realization that the body has been fooled, and that there is no real danger, leads to pleasure derived from 'mind over body.'"  The study helps to make sense of why humans like things like eating ghost peppers, watching sad movies and riding scary roller coasters. Kinda cool, huh? If you've got time, check out the Penn research team's paper on benign masochism for the journal of Judgment and Decision Making. 
Another Song I Like

Tim Maia is a legend. If you're not familiar with the late Brazilian's soul-rock-bossa nova-funky catalog, spend a day piecing through it. "Do Leme ao Pontal" is one of my favorite tracks to play first thing in the morning. Guaranteed to make you smile and feel groovy. 
From a Friend
IF YOU CLICK ON ANYTHING IN THIS EMAIL THIS WEEK PLEASE LET IT BE THIS: What the departure of Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy means for the future of America. Via Rachgawd. 

P.S. - Are you registered to vote?? No? Change that. ASAP. 
One Last Thing
If you like NPR's Tiny Desk concerts go check out COLORS on YouTube. I suggest starting with James Vickery's performance of "Until Morning."
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