June 26, 2018

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Greatness is born out of necessity. The most wonderful people and inventions have been lasting and memorable because they were needed, not wanted.

This past weekend I went to see the Mr. Rogers movie, "Won't You Be My Neighbor?" It was wonderful.

Mr. Rogers taught a generation that everyone has inherent value. That everyone is special. He created a space that allowed children to be vulnerable, to be accepted and to feel openly and expressively. “I like you as you are,” Rogers reiterated time and time again. What a kind and thoughtful reminder that we all need to hear.

Mr. Rogers was honest and deliberate in his message. And he spoke about things that most people on television (and irl) don’t. At least not to children. “It’s not so easy to quiet a doubt,” or “solitude is different from loneliness, and it doesn’t have to be a lonely kind of thing.” By acknowledging suffering, he also acknowledged hopefulness. In the strangest way, he was relatable. His goodness and authenticity was inspiring.

He encouraged intention and reflection. He often asked you to think of a person who's helped and cared for you for one whole minute. I’m going to suggest you do that now. And then I suggest treating yourself to a night at the movies to go catch “Won’t You Be My Neighbor?” in theatres now.

"Mr. Rogers had a singular vision of kindness and love."

Salads are cool. And salads with bread in them are even cooler. That's what panzanella is: vegetables and herbs and bread mixed together, and Italians call it a salad. It's easy to make and once you get the basic recipe down, it's easy to add your own flair. 


Naomi Okubo is a Japanese artist who mixes digital and traditional methods of painting. Okubo was offered a two-year fellowship by the Japanese Agency for Cultural Affairs and is living in New York. Much of her art is driven by the concept of appearance and identity.
“[Since I moved here (NYC),] my thinking of identity has changed a lot. My work will be changed from it, I think,” Okubo told Smart Girls.

Check Naomi out on IG or head over to her website for her full portfolio

Why did the librarian get kicked off the plane?

Because it was overbooked.

Tea Tree oil is one of my most favorite essential oils. It's incredibly versatile. My favorite use is for skincare. Tea Tree oil can be incorporated into your skincare routine to combat acne, blackheads and even your skin tone (plus a whole lot more). Read here for additional benefits and how to use it.  

In need of something to read, my friend Breon reminded me of Don Miguel Ruiz's book The Four Agreements. The recommendation couldn't have come at a better time. If you haven't read it, I suggest you do. If you have, revisit it because yes. 

Don't wanna buy it? Cool cool. You can grab the PDF here

MTV is rebooting Daria. I'm on the fence. I'm nervous, like most reboots, that a classic will be bruised and butchered. But this article has me leaning on the hopeful side of said fence. 'Til then, go check out the series in its entirety on Hulu. 
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