Oh, hey! It's been a while. That's on me, not you, of course. I'm really going to do my best to commit to More Water throughout the rest of this year. It's something that brings me a lot of joy to put together, and also helps to fill the void of connection that the pandemic has wreaked on many (all) of us. It might just mean these opening 'monologues,' if you will, will be shorter, or that the newsletter will come on different days of the week, or something like that. But I promise I'll do my best to deliver on what this newsletter is all about - creativity, connection, curiosity, kindness. A refreshing day-breaker-upper, if you will.
Anyways, how is everyone? Hanging in there? Losing your mind? Not sure? I think I'm all of those at least 5 times a week. But ultimately, I'm good, even if it takes a little bit to get there. And I hope you are, too.
Here's a video of basset hounds running. It's goofy.