November 24, 2021

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With the name of this newsletter being More Water, it feels important to recognize how important water is to our lives. I mean we literally are water. Whenever I'm frustrated or overwhelmed, I get a glass of water to hydrate and calm myself. Or I take a warm bath. It's used for so much of our cooking. It's an ingredient in nearly every beauty product - seriously. I mean, these are all just the blatantly obvious applications of it. But water truly is life. I saw a tweet the other day that  said something along the lines of, "in your teens you think drinking coffee if a grown up drink. in your twenties you think it's wine. but in your thirties you realize it's water." I don't know, not that profound or anything, but true. (Also, coffee is hot bean water.) 

All of this is to say, we need to continue to protect and preserve our fresh water. It is a finite resource. Three small ways you can do that today is to:
Lastly, RIP Young Dolph who gave us this water bop. 
Water on Water on Water - Young Dolph & Key Glock
  • Fergie's rendition of the national anthem at the 2018 NBA All Star game was truly unforgettable. And now it's been turned into a children's book by Rob Anderson. I've watched it so many times. 
  • Artists I've been enjoying: Pierre-Emmanuel Lyet, Odinakachi Okoroafor and Allison Zuckerman
  • Ear Hustle is a podcast that offers a look at life inside prison, specifically California’s San Quentin State Prison. Created by Nigel Poor, a Bay-area artist, and Earlonne Woods and Antwan Williams, both who were incarcerated at the beginning of the podcast, stories describe the day-to-day life of imprisonment. And now, it's a book. More than two million people are incarcerated across the United States, a number that grows by 600,000 annually, and this book (and podcast) sheds a light on the complexity, and the relatability of those in prison.
  • TEEKS debut album, Something To Feel, dropped earlier this month and I want to make sure that it's on your radar because it's beautiful. 
  • A new addition to your charcuterie boards: peppery antipasto skewers
  • Andrew Garfield joined Stephen Colbert on his show to discuss his role on the recently released Netflix film 'Tick, Tick... Boom!' Their conversation shifts to the topic of grief when Stephen checks in with Andrew on the loss of his mother. Andrew's response is one of the most profound, poignant and relatable responses on what grief feels like and the magnitude of its presence
  • The Monterey Bay Aquarium recently launched its Benthic Rover II  an autonomous robot equipped to roam the deep-sea. BRII can withstand long periods of time (yes, years) and dive nearly 20,000 feet deep - making it one of the most robust and sophisticated robots on a mission to help us understand the Earth in ways we've yet to grasp and also catalog effects of climate change.
  • Full Circle Everest is the first all-Black team of climbers with the goal to summit Mount Everest. They'll set on on the challenge in the spring of 2022. Check 'em out and consider ways you can support (follow on IG, share with friends, or buy a sticker). 
  • A Canadian startup, Flash Forest, plans to plant 40,000 trees in a month using a drone. 
  • A couple of songs I've been listening to lately: "Don't Let Go" by Terrace Martin, NSTASIA featuring Vindata & Skrillex "Favor," and "Groove" by Honey Sky.
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Jennifer Universe