April 30, 2019

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Curiosity over Fear 
I never got into that whole Eat, Pray, Love thing. Didn't read the book, didn't watch the movie. No shade, it just wasn't for me. But I've always enjoyed listening to interviews with Elizabeth Gilbert, the author of the best-selling memoir. She's thoughtful and she's interesting. So, when I stumbled upon her interview with Krista Tippett on the On Being podcast from a few years back, I stopped what I was doing and settled in to listen and learn. The topic? Choosing curiosity over fear, and more so, following curiosity over passions.

"Curiosity is our friend that teaches us how to become ourself. It's gentle. It's always there where passion sometimes is not." THAT PART. I feel like I'm often oscillating between a million passions and none, making it both hard to choose a path and what to follow, especially when that passion disappears. And the pressure in a world that has fetishized passion makes it even more difficult, because what if I fail at my passion? Woof. Curiosity, however, is always there. And it often starts out small, Gilbert explains, so we're waiting for this big sign to follow something, when it doesn't need to be grandiose at all. That's actually the real beauty of curiosity, its almost ordinariness. 

This interview also reminded me of David Foster Wallace's speech, "This is Water," which I've definitely linked to in a past newsletter. I recommend revisiting after you listen to the Gilbert interview, which you can do by clicking here

Be kind and be curious today. 
Practicing Kindness
Send a friend a plant with a nice little note. 
This is it, y'all, my new favorite way to prepare radishes. (And an excuse to finally treat myself to a mandoline.) Super simple and super springy, it's five ingredients, and equal parts delicious and refreshing. 
Art I Like 
Vernon James Manlapaz is a 3D animator doing really delightful things with AR. Follow his IG for more fun
A Song I Like

I could listen to Mahalia sing all day long, and some days I do. Her voice is calm, comforting and captivating. What's more, in every song I've heard form her, her lyrics are incredibly intentional, she manages to use just the right words, stringing them in the most thoughtful and relatable ways. Check out her newest single, "Grateful,"  and I'd also suggest spinning "No Pressure" and "Surprise Me." 
What did one boat say to the other? Are you up for a little row-mance?
Definitely Read This
A long and informative read on artificial intelligence and the music industry
Another Song I Like

Sunday night was grey and there was a light rain, so when Ian Olney's "Rewind" came on my shuffle you know I played it back twice. It's hella smooth. 
From a Friend
With low enrollment, one South Korean school is enrolling grandmothers and the photos alone will surely make you smile. Thank you to Rachel for sharing this beautiful story with me. 
One Last Thing
What it's like living with perfect pitch. Spoiler: when he tastes things, he hears music. (Honestly, same, but I think it's very different.) 
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Listen to the More Water playlist on Spotify
Jennifer Universe